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EFSA Focal Point Newsletter

The EFSA Focal Points of the European Member States and the associated states Iceland and Norway were established with the aim of coordinating scientific cooperation between the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Member States. The German EFSA Focal Point is located at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and helps to coordinate the flow of information between EFSA and the national organisations and institutions that are active in EFSA's areas of work.

To support the flow of information, the German EFSA Focal Point regularly sends out a newsletter. This contains EFSA announcements on calls for tenders, grants, scientific developments, events and job adverts. The newsletter is sent to subscribers by e-mail every 14 days. If you are interested in receiving news from EFSA and would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the German EFSA Focal Point BfR at the following e-mail address:



Eine Initiative des BfR:

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