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News on food safety topics

Here you will find selected food safety notifications from the online portals of the food safety authorities of the EU Member States. The respective authors are responsible for the original texts of the machine-translated content. The links to the original texts can be found under each notification.


Latest news from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

New advice and app to manage process water for fruit, vegetables and herbs

Combining disinfection treatments and water replenishment can help maintain the microbiological quality of the water used in processing fresh and frozen fruit, vegetables and herbs. This is the main finding of an analysis carried out by EFSA’s experts, which has resulted in several recommendations and the development of a new online tool.

Click here for the original text (external link) 

Latest news from Germany (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, BfR

BfR MEAL study: no vanadium was detected in most foods

The BfR MEAL study provides information on the average amounts of beneficial and potentially harmful substances contained in the most commonly consumed foods in Germany. The study focuses on more than 300 different substances. In the study, the individual substances are grouped according to their content into work packages or modules. In the core module, the vanadium levels were examined in pooled samples. No vanadium content was detected in most of the 356 foods tested (97%). The highest concentrations were measured in chewing gum, cocoa powder and dried spices.

Click here for the original text (external link) 

Latest news from Denmark (National Food Institute, DTU

Feed additives can reduce campylobacter in free-range broilers

New research from DTU National Food Institute has yielded promising results in the fight against campylobacter in free-range chicken flocks. Trials demonstrate that adding biochar to chicken feed can reduce campylobacter in chickens by up to 80%. This could potentially lead to fewer foodborne illnesses among humans.

Click here for the original text (external link) 


The information platform is operated by the German EFSA Focal Point, the contact point of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). It provides a wide range of information on topics relating to food and feed safety across Europe.


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